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Our Sustainability at Smiths report provides a holistic view of how we are performing and creating value for our customers, our colleagues and our communities. We report against our Sustainability at Smiths ESG framework to complement our financial reporting and to help structure and share our performance across a range of non-financial ESG metrics of interest to many of our stakeholders. 


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Sustainability reporting archive

Sustainability at Smiths report FY2023
ESG metrics, targets and disclosures
ESG metrics, targets and disclosures Excel
TCFD disclosure
Summary GHG inventory management plan
Sustainability at Smiths report FY2022

Learn more about sustainability at Smiths

Green Trees Grass Office Buildings


Read more about the environment topics in our framework.

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Teresa Christian And Sophie Working


Read more about the social topics in our framework.

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Three People Smiling Looking At Laptop


Read more about the governance topics in our framework.

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